It's almost my third years joining in Plurk. Thousands of status and responds posted there. Sharing knowledge or just say hi to kick my stress out :D
Plurk is a
social networking site that allow you to post 140 characters of your status. Its like another status-sharing sites, but Plurk offers more fun. In Plurk there are
Karma, a valuation of your activities in Plurk. Higher Karma will allow you to post your status with some cute emoticons. Here are the
full list of Plurk emoticons code based on your Karma's level, to use it just writes the code (next to the image) preceeding when you write your status in your Plurk account.
**Basic Emoticons**












**Karma Over 25**




(wave) or (bye)














**Karma Over 51**


















**Karma Over 81**









**Karma 100**


(taser) or (rammi)







**Recruit 10 Friends**










**Soccer Emoticons**







**X-Mas Emoticons (Special Occasion)**




**OKOK Families**












**Droid Emoticon**

**@amix Emoticons**







