Naco Health Concept

Molecular Reform Therapy & Health Regulation

Naco’s approach to achieving optimum good health through nutritional supplements based on the concept of Molecular Reform Therapy & Health Regulation is by far the most effective for busy people of the modern age.

Molecular Reform Therapy (MRT) is one the most acceptable form of self-managed therapy established in the US since 1975. its approach to living healthfully based on the holistic study of human cell activities. Through its 3 basic steps – balanced nutrition intake, increasa oxygen, and removal of body toxins., it promotes proper cell metabolism, stroanger body self defense system and enhanced health restoretion ability. It is also widely known as the “nutrition therapy”.

On the other hand, health regulation is renowned eastern therapy promotingultimate health preservation through recapturing control of our body. Through health regulative and revitalizing products, we are able to restore our impaired health as well as achieve enheanced MTR effectiveness.

Backed by the above, the Naco’s 4- step health concept is derived, presenting the most synergized and complete health therapy ever to optimum good health.

Step 1 detoxification – removal of body toxins

Step 2 increase oxygen intake to enhance metabolism

Step 3 balanced nutrition intake

Step 4 health regulation

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