We have been taught since our childhood that cheating is not good. However, looking great and pretty is a spontaneous longing in each one of us. Hence, it is warranted to use skin care transformation alternatives to look juvenile as a part of the all round tips for healthy skin.
If you are like a lot of baby boomers today finding a good skin care for wrinkles program is at the top of your list. Maybe you've tried every new wrinkle cream on the market with little or no success. But now, you can visit OXIS International, Inc. website at http://www.oxis.com.
Oxis focuses on research to combat free radicals that can harm our health. They have excellent products such as Anti aging, Antioxidant, Glutathione, Penny stocks & free radical, and many more to be the supplements of your health.
You can also see Oxis on Facebook and follow Oxis on Twitter to get more informations for they services.
Looking Great and Pretty with Good Skin Care
Peace Campaign from Unyil & Upin
Unyil and Ipin & Upin was most popular puppet show in each countries, Indonesia and Malaysia. They become like icon for folk stories especially to kids.
Although Unyil had already emerged and famous on television since beginning of 80's but Upin & Ipin has spreaded in Indonesia in recent years and become one of the children's favorite shows.
Now when the political relations of Indonesia and Malaysia heats up, these two icons come together in cyberspace to call for peace. Not without reason, because the two neighboring countries are very close in a culture bound allied nations, Malays.
But politics are politics when it comes to greed it will never care about culture or other humanitarian ties. So pathetic!
Although Unyil had already emerged and famous on television since beginning of 80's but Upin & Ipin has spreaded in Indonesia in recent years and become one of the children's favorite shows.
Now when the political relations of Indonesia and Malaysia heats up, these two icons come together in cyberspace to call for peace. Not without reason, because the two neighboring countries are very close in a culture bound allied nations, Malays.
But politics are politics when it comes to greed it will never care about culture or other humanitarian ties. So pathetic!
Mudik Gratis bareng Amikom 2010
Mudik bareng kampus dan temen - temen pasti mengasyikan sapa yang mo ikutan, mumpung gratis loh :D
Tujuan akhir : Tangerang - Jakarta
Hari, tamggal : Jum’at, 3 September 2010
Pukul : 09.00 wib star dari Kampus AMIKOM Yogyakarta
Melalui kota-kota : Wates – Purworejo – Kebumen – Gombong – Buntu – Wangon – Ajibarang – Bumiayu – Prupuk – Ketanggungan – Losari – Cirebon - Jatibarang – Pamanukan – Cikampek – JAKARTA (Tangerang - Amikom Center Jakarta).
Melalui kota-kota : Wates – Purworejo – Kebumen – Gombong – Buntu – Wangon – Karangpucung – Majenang – Ciamis – Rajapolah – Ciawi – Malang Bong – Nagrek – Cileunyi (BANDUNG) - Cikampek – JAKARTA (Tangerang - Amikom Center Jakarta).
1. Mahasiswa / alumni STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta
2. Mengisi dan mengembalikan formulir (download), dilampiri Fotocopy KTM, dikembalikan paling lambat Tgl 1 September 2010
Waiting for ReadBud Payment
It has been three months I joined to ReadBud and reach $44.53 from minimun exceed $50 to make redemption.
Three months wasn't too long time to draining my energy just for read and rate articles they gave to me and I did it for less than 10 minutes per-day :D
I don't know how much time I must wait again to get $6 so I can request withdraw and they'll pay me through PayPal. It seems ReadBud won't let their members to get dollars too easy. But I still hope it's not a scam. What a sucks if so!
If you also want to try their services and get money online, please register from this link :)
Make Online Money
Earn $10 Immediately for Signing Up
IMCrew.com has extended their pre-launch period till August, 12. Of course this is a good news so we can get more paid from our referrals.
Oh, I'm sorry to forgot tell you who wasn't know about IMCrew.com.
IMCREW is a brand new, FREE membership website for those who want to start making money online by reading and promoting articles about various methods to make money online.
Soon after you sign up to their website, you'll get $10 and earn $2 for every active members joined from your referral link. Not need to wait too long... just visit IMCrew.com and signing up!
Make Online Money
First Payment from KumpulBlogger
Aha! It's my first payment from KumpulBlogger since last two years I've joined in their services. Yes, too long time just to earns small coins :D
But, no worry about that. Because I've no activity to make any refers since my first join. And this small coins I get just from my passive links which I set from my blogs. It's also based on my awareness that KumpulBlogger is a scam.
So then after I received this payment I'm sure this is not scam and decided to improve my activites from their services and earns lot of money from it.
This is my history payment from KumpulBlogger website:
And this is history from my bank account:
If you want to join me, just simply click on this link ;)
Make Online Money
Ramadhan : Tips sahur dan berbuka puasa
Wah ternyata Ramadhan sudah tinggal mengitung hari lagi, tak sabar rasanya untuk cepat menyambutnya.
oh ya apa kalian punya problem saat puasa? misalnya badan suka lemas kalo puasa, apa lagi kalo siang hari ditemenin dengan terik matahari, huhuhu rasanya pengen ngeredem badan di air es atau kebawaannya pengen tidur mulu?
nih ada kiat kiat alias tips buat kalian semua di saat menjalankan puasa ramadhan
Tips saur dan buka puasa agar puasa tidak lemas :
Awali saur dengan segelas minuman yang manis *jangan terlalu manis ya!takut diabetes* dan hangat misalnya teh manis, makan dengan menu seimbang 4 sehat 5 sempurna, agar tercukupi serat dan gizi kita walau sedangan puasa dan membantu stamina badan supaya tetap fit.
Awali buka puasa dengan segelas minuman manis, jangan langsung minum air dingin yah, kurang baik buat lambung kita, lengkapi dengan makanan yang manis misalnya kurma atau pudding, jangan langsung makan makanan yang berat yah, sebaiknya setelah buka sholat magrib dulu, baru deh makan makanan yang berat seperti nasi dan kawan - kawannya. Dan perbanyak minum air putih hingga mejelang imsyak sebanyak 8 gelas, agar badan tidak dehidrasi.
Selamat mencoba yah
buka puasa,
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