Kau belahan nyawa bunda

Anak sapa ini cantik, imut banget yah??
sapa namanya nih, duh bikit gemes dech kamu

Puisi untuk si kecil
Bila bunda boleh memilih
Apakah bunda berbadan langsing atau berbadan besar karena mengandungmu
Maka bunda akan memilih mengandungmu…
Karena dalam mengandungmu bunda merasakan keajaiban dan kebesaran Allah

Sembilan bulan nak,… engkau hidup di perut bunda
Engkau ikut kemanapun bunda pergi
Engkau ikut merasakan ketika jantung bunda berdetak karena kebahagiaan
Engkau menendang rahim bunda ketika engkau merasa tidak nyaman, karena bunda kecewa dan berurai air mata…

Bila bunda boleh memilih apakah ibu harus operasi caesar, atau bunda harus berjuang melahirkanmu
Maka bunda memilih berjuang melahirkanmu
Karena menunggu dari jam ke jam, menit ke menit kelahiranmu
Adalah seperti menunggu antrian memasuki salah satu pintu surga
Karena kedahsyatan perjuanganmu untuk mencari jalan ke luar ke dunia sangat bunda rasakan
Dan saat itulah kebesaran Allah menyelimuti kita berdua
Malaikat tersenyum diantara peluh dan erangan rasa sakit,
Yang tak pernah bisa bunda ceritakan kepada siapapun

Dan ketika engkau hadir, tangismu memecah dunia
Saat itulah… saat paling membahagiakan
Segala sakit & derita sirna melihat dirimu yang merah,
Mendengarkan ayahmu mengumandangkan adzan,
Kalimat syahadat kebesaran Allah dan penetapan hati tentang junjungan kita Rasulullah di telinga mungilmu


Bila bunda boleh memilih apakah bunda berdada indah, atau harus bangun tengah malam untuk menyusuimu,
Maka bunda memilih menyusuimu,
Karena dengan menyusuimu bunda telah membekali hidupmu dengan tetesan-tetesan dan tegukan tegukan yang sangat berharga
Merasakan kehangatan bibir dan badanmu didada bunda dalam kantuk bunda,
Adalah sebuah rasa luar biasa yang orang lain tidak bisa rasakan

Bila bunda boleh memilih duduk berlama-lama di ruang rapat
Atau duduk di lantai menemanimu menempelkan puzzle
Maka bunda memilih bermain puzzle denganmu

Tetapi anakku…
Hidup memang pilihan…
Jika dengan pilihan bunda, engkau merasa sepi dan merana
Maka maafkanlah nak…
Maafkan bunda …
Maafkan bunda …
Percayalah nak, bunda sedang menyempurnakan puzzle kehidupan kita,
Agar tidak ada satu kepingpun bagian puzzle kehidupan kita yang hilang
Percayalah nak…
Sepi dan ranamu adalah sebagian duka bunda
Percayalah nak…
Engkau adalah selalu menjadi belahan nyawa bunda…

dikutip dari : (Ratih Sanggarwati (Ratih Sang)
Jakarta, 21 Agustus 2004 )

lunturnya jati diri bangsaku .....???

Kata orang Indonesia adalah negara yang ramah penduduknya
Kata orang Indonesia adalah negara yang berpendirian teguh dengan tradisi dan kebudayaannya

Masihkah semua itu ada di Indonesia sekarang??

Masih ingat dengan bait lagu ini

" Indonesia negeriku, orangnya lucu-lucu
Macam-macam budayanya
Indonesia tercinta, orangnya ramah-ramah
Gemah ripah loh ji nawi

Inggris negerinya raja (katanya.. katanya..)
Elizabeth ratunya (katanya.. katanya..)
Disini Yogyakarta (wow.. wow..), Sri Sultan rajanya

Indonesia negeriku, orangnya lucu-lucu
Macam-macam budayanya
Indonesia tercinta, orangnya ramah-ramah
Gema ripah loh ji nawi "

Masih ingatkah dengan bait lagu ini yang di nyanyikan Trio wek - wek, masih pantaskah ini kita sandangkan di negeri kita ??

Mengingat sekarang orang - orang kita sudah tak seperti dulu, masyarakat yang ramah, sopan santun, yang selalu bergotong royong, susah senang di pangku bersama-sama. Sekarang sedikit untuk di jumpai, apa lagi sekarang kata maaf dan terima kasih manjadi kata yang mahal harganya, tidak seperti dulu yang lumrah sekali, walau bukan kita yang salah tetap saling minta maaf

Jati diri bangsaku terbeli dengan materi........???

hanya karena materi kita lupa dengan watak dan karakter diri kita sendiri, kita terbudak oleh materi yang hanya sekejap. Kita jual pulau kita, kita tukar dengan uang.

Kemana Bahasa Bangsaku ...??

Ada yang buat saya kecewa dengan masyarakat kita, salah satunya yaitu mulai menghilangnya bahasa bangsa yaitu bahasa indonesia, banyak di masyarakat kita lebih bangga menggunakan bahasa inggris dalam percakapannya, bahkan seorang pendidik yang gembar gembor kepada didikkannya untuk bisa bahasa inggris.....Belajar bahasa inggris dan bercakap dengan bahasa tersebut boleh saja, tapi bukan berarti kita melupakan bahasa kita sendiri, Tau kah kawan?? Bagaimana perjuangan para pemuda kita dulu dalam menyatukan negeri ini dengan sebuah bahasa agar tidak adanya perbedaan diantara kita, dari puluhan bahasa yang ada dinegeri dijadikan satu bahasa yaitu bahasa indonesia, dalam sejarah bahasa indonesia banyak sekali mengalami perubahan EYD dan itu tidak mudah. Apa yang membuat kita tak bangga dengan bahasa kita sendiri?

Bisakah kita belajar dari orang jepang??

Tetap menerima kebudayaan yang masuk, tapi tak melupakan kebudayaannya.
Tetap menerima bahasa asing, tapi tetap menjadikan bahasa jepang menjadi bahasa nasional dan bahasa internasional.
Saling memaafkan satu sama lain, tak sungkan bilang maaf walau tidak salah

Gk usah minder dengan negara lain, cz kita tinggal di negara yang kaya raya
- kaya budaya
- kaya bahasa
- kaya SDA
- kaya SDM
kita gk usah liat malaysia, gk usah liat singapore, cz kita lebih unggul dari mereka, klo kita mau menyadarinya, mau berusaha dan gk males, mau mengolah apa yang kita miliki dan mau mempertahankan apa yang sudah

hayo kembalikan jati diri bangsa kita

nb : maaf ya klo ada yang kurang berkenang, mav klo ada yang gk nyambung

global warming sampai ke tom and jerry

doh hari ini panas banget, rasanya pengen tuch seharian ngerendem di air atau masuk kulkas, enak kali yah????
kyk tadi pagi nonton tom and jerry, udaranya panas, burung - burung kehausan cz airnya di minum ma raja siang, bunga yang cantik pun layu, dan tom bobonya harus buka kulkas ma majikannya, hanya kulkas yang bisa ngasih pendingin buat mereka, heheeh.....

ini kah dapak dari global warming???
yups....nih gara2 global warming yang dah meraja lela di semua belahan bumi, buat matahari seneng mancarin sinarnya tanpa segan - segan gk kyk dulu, sinar dia bisa di atasi oleh lapisan ozon yang masih tebel cz di bumi kandungan o2 masih banyak karena masih banyaknya tumbuhan , doh sekarang ampun dech. Global warming ini terjadi akibat Co2 lebih banyak dibandingkan o2, yang merusak lapisan - lapisan bumi terutama lapisan ozon yang kian menipis, bahkan dah bolong sebagai pembuktianya yaitu es yang ada di kutub utara sudah banyak meleleh, dan ini pun berdampak dengan kepunahannya beruang kutub yang sudah langka.

keserakahan manusia yang sudah tak bisa dibendung lagi, yang mengejar materi belaka, bumi menjadi korban, dan nyawa manusia pun terkorbankan.

nah tadi aku juga jalan2 di blog tetangga yaitu Endy bahas nih global warming, bahasnya di cbok. kata Endy penyubang co2 terbesar yaitu negeri paman sam huhuhu lagi2 dia si biang keladi,nyuruh orang gini gtu dia sendri huhuhu, yang ke 2 negara tirai bambu yang produk - produknya banyak di sita ma pemerintah terutama yang berbau makanakan dan peralatan makanan dan yang ke tiga.............sapa yooooooo????????deng...deng...deng..ternyata kita (sedih juga).....klo kita di akibatkan oleh kebakaran hutan di sumatera dan di pulau si jatung paru - paru dunia yaitu kalimantan pulau seribu sungai.

sebernernya bisa gk segh global warming ini di cegah??
di cegah untuk 100 % gk bisa, tapi untuk menghambatnya bisa, salah satunya itu penanaman seribu pohon, dan di setiap rumah kalo bisa menanam pohon, pohonnya jangan anggrek yah! tapi pohon kayak mangga, jambu, rambutan, yang buat teduh dech dan yang bisa mengahasilkan o2 yang lumayan banyak , kyk di my home, depan rumah ada pohon mangga harum manis, jambu air, dan tanaman hias dari bambu hias sampai tanaman yang gk tw namanya (maklum yang ngurus tanaman teteh ku), di belakang ada pohon rambutan.Pohon - pohon tersebut akan mememberi pasokan o2 di sekitar rumah kita, terus manfaat lainnya yaitu kalo lagi berbuah huhuhu yumi...enak banget, contohnya sekarang lagi musim rambutan tinggal naik, makan tuch sepuasnya di atas pohon hehehehe(kok kyk...????)........oh iya klo pohonnya dah rimbun di tumbang aja tapi jangan semuanya, bagian yang mengenai atap rumah aja yang disingkirkan. dan pohon tersebut juga gk butuh perawatan yang khusus kyk tanaman hias

mudah kan.....???mo coba??

Cegah Global warming dengan Penanaman seribu Pohon

Wajah baru nih

Perjuangan yang luar biasa 3 hari 2 malem begadang coba ngutak ngatik blog tapi hasilnya nihil, niat pngen ngerubah template dari 2 kolom jadi 3 kolom susahnya minta ampun, cz pengen nyoba pake wajah baru tapi gagal mulu, kolom yang di buat bukan di samping tapi di atas mulu sebel, bersyukur punya sahabat yang baik banget yang mo bantu edit blog, dia juga yang buatin fat template sebelumnya sapa lagi kalo bukan Yanku

,kalo Yanku pasti cepet ya editnya cuma sehari lah ifat 3 hari 2 malem gk clear kwwkwkwkwkwk. maksih banget yah yanku fat suka banget ma hasilnya, doh ngasih apa yah ke Yanku

ini template sebelumnya warna pink imut kan

dan ini template yang buat fat begadang yang hasilnya nihil

setelah di edit ma yanku ini dia hasilanya yang kawan liat, ijooooooooo bro tapi ijonya kalem kok imut tea hahahahha. sekali lagi makasih yanku, tapi hari ini lelah banget cz kemaren jaga seharian cz my friend sakit, dari jam 8.30 jaga - tutup jam 10 mlm, berapa jam tuch yah ?? selesai jaga nyuci baju biar nti pulang gk nyuci lagi. semalem tidurnya nyenyak banget maklum badan kecapean banget, doh hampir sholat subuh kesiangan jam 5, habis sholat subuh tidur lagi bangun jam 6.30 cz ada tlp masuk huhuh ganggu orang gi bobo. oh ya tadi fat beli kertas di toko langganan doh fat baru tw klo yang punya tuh non muslim, tapi karyawannya kalo fat liat hampir semuanya muslim cz yang karyawan ce pake kerudung, fat baru tw klo toko itu yang punya non muslim, waktu liat salah satu karyawan ce masuk ke gudang ngambil kertas pesenan ifat, di pintu masuknya ada tanda salib. yang punya toko itu baik banget plus ramah tapi sedikit pendiem, tokonya gak gede segh tapi karyawannya gileeee banyak banget, coba yah kalo palestina ma israel rukun kyk yang punya toko itu dengan karyawannya......(ngarep)

Horeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...........hari ini back to go home setelah hampir seminggu tidur net dengan kost gratis, kangen ma rumah ma sibungsu, kangen ma masakan umi

Me n Sister (si bungsu)

Gk semudah itu fat.....

saya pikir itu mudah ternyata.......???

doh jadi gk enak ma

andri ma yanku, yang dah bantuin edit ma buatin template. Fat kira mudah ngedit apa lagi ngerubah desain template blog ternyata susah banget yah pusing, 3 hari 2 malem gk tidur malem sekarang tepar, gara2 ngutak ngatik html blog dari 2 kolom dan mo fat rubah jadi 3 kolom ternyata gagal mulu, kolom barunya adanya di atas bukan di samping (sejajar ma yang sebelumnya)...

ini template yang mo saya rubah jadi 3 kolom

help me ada yang bisa bantu???

Fitness Program Reviews

Exercise plays an important part in fitness programs. These programs also include a balanced diet that improves health. Fitness programs that concentrate on weight loss have to be carefully scrutinized. Today, health clubs offer a wide range of fitness programs. The success rates of most programs are positive but it is important to consider long-term implications of these programs on the health of an individual. Various studies and research have been conducted to scan the efficacy and safety of these programs. Many of the health authorities have done extensive studies on them and reviews have been published. These authorities have analyzed components of fitness programs and they are clinically tested before being certified.

Fitness programs such as "low carb diets" had been on controversial grounds for a long time. They are now deemed safe, except for persons with kidney problems. Reviews have also indicated that these plans are especially effective on a short-term basis. They are effective in bringing down cholesterol levels in heart patients. It is also noticed that fitness plans that are administered in consultation with a doctor are much safer and known to render long-term health benefits. Fitness programs that consist of a combination of exercises such as cardio muscular exercises and yoga are beneficial for maintaining good mental and physical health.

In recent times, fitness programs have become a part of every individual's life. They increase immunity levels of an individual and also increase productivity. The dependence on machines has caused decreased muscle mobility. Fitness programs ensure that all body organs are tuned for better performance. Due to increased inactivity levels, individuals are more prone to diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Studies have proved that a good fitness program can be the first step towards good health. Fitness programs that have been proved successful and safe are the best options.

Fitness Programs provides detailed information on Fitness Programs, Fitness Training Programs, Golf Fitness Programs, Kid Fitness Programs and more. Fitness Programs is affiliated with Gym Equipment.


Fitness Tips

Fitness tips offer concise knowledge about developments in the field of health and fitness. It is a step-by-step procedure that guides one through the basic concepts and internal aspects of health. It can be defined as expert advice on how to remain fit and healthy. Fitness tips inspire fitness enthusiasts to maintain a healthy life style. Fitness tips involbe exercise regimens, diets, even motivational courses, meditation sessions, and so on. Fitness is best defined as whatever works best for you.

To sit and read books related to fitness and health-related topics take time and patience. Fitness tips provide readymade solutions, since one can easily obtain the very latest and valuable information about various ways to stay fit and in shape. Fitness tips mainly revolve around health, exercise, weight loss and nutrition. They may include information regarding various sports injuries and ways of preventing them, common exercising methods, diet rules, bodybuilding and methods to overcome body fat and reduce stress and strain. Apart from common health information, fitness tips highlight the dos and don’ts that must be kept in mind to preserve a healthy routine. They are popular because of the growing number of health consciousness people. But one must be very cautious because unreliable fitness tips may result in health consequences. So it is better to take the advice of an expert before adopting any tip. Health experts and professional trainers deliver up-to-date tips to best suit anyone’s lifestyle. Fitness tips can be accessed through magazines and other publications. A free collection of tips are also available online.

Fitness provides detailed information on Fitness, Fitness Equipment, Fitness Tips, Physical Fitness and more. Fitness is affiliated with Exercise Programs.


Health and Fitness Programs

Health is the state of mental and physical well being of an individual. The science of medicine helps in maintaining health. However, it is also noticed that it is possible to maintain good health due to individual effort.

Fitness is important to maintain a healthy body. It is a phenomenon that helps a person look, feel and work to better. It also plays an important part in conducting bodily activities efficiently. Working out the heart, lungs and muscles of the body are all related to physical fitness. However, fitness activities differ from person to person. There are many factors that affect the fitness of a person. They range from age, sex, exercise and eating habits. Before an individual starts on a fitness program, it is necessary for him to evaluate a few things that affect his health and fitness. For a fitness program to give the desired result, it needs to be administered with care.

Activities to be incorporated in the fitness programs have to be decided after analyzing various components of fitness. Controlling weight is an important part of physical fitness. Muscle tone development is another aspect that is taken care of by fitness programs. A good fitness program suggests the best time for exercising. Exercises are adjusted according to the work schedules of the individuals.

Fitness programs also suggest diets for individuals. Eating habits are an important factor affecting health and fitness programs. A major advantage of following health and fitness programs is that these plans are suggested for long-term health unlike the weight loss programs that are short-term based. It provides improved health in terms of better performance of vital body organs. It also provides a sense of well being due to more energy and better stamina.

Fitness Programs provides detailed information on Fitness Programs, Fitness Training Programs, Golf Fitness Programs, Kid Fitness Programs and more. Fitness Programs is affiliated with Gym Equipment.

Be Conscious About Your Health

When it comes to health and fitness, men's are more conscious about their health and fitness. Most men look at building mass instead of losing weight. Some men's have really solid buff body, while some have healthy body.

Because of ongoing concern for health and fitness and the desire to look good in society, there is an abundance of health and fitness magazines available in the market. There are hundreds of health and fitness magazines available on the internet. These magazines include thousands of articles, tips and advice to help you to get or maintain the desired physique.

You will find that many magazines switch muscle groups from one month to the next. This allows you to learn different exercises and weightlifting techniques to staying fit. Another thing that include in various health and fitness magazines is what world class health instructor and weightlifters are doing. There are articles on what is going in their life and how they got to where they are now. There is no better person to hear advice from than someone that does for it living.

Men's fitness magazines include information about fitness equipment also. Fitness equipments are available in different shapes and sizes. Fitness magazines include addresses, contact numbers and email id of gyms and fitness equipment dealers. You can take address and contact numbers from these magazines and get more information about fitness equipments.

There are large numbers of providers of fitness equipments. You can also gain knowledge with the help of Internet and easily make comparison of quality, prices and other things online. Men fitness magazine and free online men magazine cover the meaning and importance of fitness equipments, step to consider while purchasing fitness equipments.

PayingPost pay you to write down your opinion about the products, services and web sites of other people’s on your blog

If you are looking for a new way to PayingPost pay you to write down your opinion about the products, services and web sites of other people’s on your blog. You can only get paid to blog during the billing period. No ads, just write your opinion. PayingPost, another Consumer Generated Advertising Network, released Beta 2.0 of its online advertise on blogs service. Payingpost was online since a few weeks but officially launched today. This website is focused on improving the quality of content for advertisers and bloggers. This website have introduced a variety of features that will allow our service to naturally improve itself and provide the best Web 2.0 advertising experience for both bloggers and advertisers.

Whether you provide web design services, business consulting or sell products online getting people to talk about your company is probably the best marketing technique available. Customers get bombarded with advertising in our society, often times reducing the overall efficiency of those campaigns and creating what is called ad-blindness. The result is that direct recommendations or feedback by real people like bloggers will create more value and visibility for your services or products.

Optimal results can be achieved if you communicate to the reviewing blog what sides of your business you are trying to promote, why the readers could be interested on your product and the like blog advertising. Popular blogs can generate tens of thousands of page views daily, and if they write an interesting review it is probable that a good percentage of their readership will check your product. Like it or not Google and other search engines rank your website based, among other things, on the number of incoming links and on the authority of the websites that are placing those links. Your company might have a website with the most comprehensive and detailed information about a certain topic, but unless people are linking to it you will have very small chances of appearing on the first results for important keywords related to that topic.

Busby Seo Test, sensei ku masuk 20 Besar

Busby Seo Test kalimat yang tidak asing ditelinga kita apa lagi oleh para master Seo, sebuah kontes SEO yang di mulai sejak tanggal 1 oktober 2008 dan berakhir tanggal 31 januari 2009 alias akhir bulan nih, kontes yang di ikuti bukan hanya orang Indonesia tapi oleh beberapa negera lain.

Busby Seo Test ini merebutkan hadianya yang buat saya segh gede banget (mode on : pengen) tapi sayang saya gk jago bermain di seo, tapi tak apa lah cz sensei ikutan dia masuk dalam 20 besar dalam klasemen sementara sedangkan yang 5 besaranya dari kita juga alias dari indonesia, doh susah banget yah sen ??, alhamdulillah walau masuk 20 besar cz kontesnya bukan tingkat nasional hehheheh

nih hadiahnya, tapi bagi mereka yang ikut kontes bukan karena hadiahnya tapi ajang ini bisa di jadikan buat tambah ilmu pengetahuan mereka di dunia SEO

* Hadiah pertama : $5000 (Lima Ribu Dolar)
* Hadiah kedua : $2000 (Dua Ribu Dolar)
* Hadiah ketiga :$ 500 (Lima Ratus Dolar)
* Hadiah keempat :$250 dan (Dua Ratus Lima Puluh)
* Hadiah kelima $100 (Seratus Dolar)

Sebelum fat mo ngucapin selamet buat sensei dapet page rank 7 buat blog ini

ada yang seru dan kadang fat ketawa sendiri setiap baca postingan sensei mengenai Busby Seo Test mungkin cuma dia sendiri yang gk nyambung cz kata kunci yang di pakai dalam kontes ini gk kayak yang lain yang ngebahas Busby Seo Testnya, kalo dia selalu di kasih bumbu - bumbu love-lovean huhuh bener - bener buat keki, bravo Sensei dan Bli Dexno Dkk

Klo menang jangan lupa makan-makan nya yah

Other Types of Life Insurance

Survivorship life insurance (also referred to as last-to-die or second-to-die) is a unique type of contract that insures the lives of two people. It pays a death benefit upon the death of the second insured. Therefore, it is typically less expensive than two individual policies. Survivorship life is often used for estate planning, where it may be possible to potentially leverage today's dollars -- via insurance premiums -- into a potentially significant death benefit that can be used to fund estate taxes, create wealth for future generations, or benefit a charity. These policies may be available if one insured is medically "uninsurable."

First-to-die life insurance insures the life of at least two people and pays a benefit upon the death of the first insured. This policy is useful for covering a mortgage or other large debt obligation where there is more than one debtor. In addition, it can be an ideal tool for funding a buy-sell agreement within a closely held business.

Buying Life Insurance

Conventional wisdom says that life insurance is sold, not purchased. In other words, some people are reluctant to discuss the importance of owning life insurance, and others are simply unaware of the need to have life insurance. Although many large companies provide life insurance as part of their benefits package, this coverage may be insufficient.

Who needs life insurance? If there are individuals who depend on you for financial support, or if you work at home providing your family with such services as child care, cooking, and cleaning, you need life insurance. Older couples also may need life insurance to protect a surviving spouse against the possibility of the couple's retirement savings being depleted by unexpected medical expenses. And individuals with substantial assets may need life insurance to help reduce the effects of estate taxes or to transfer wealth to future generations.


Playing online casino games is the best way to get full entertainment and earn money as well

The market of online casino gambling is increasing by leaps and bounds, and amateur as well as experts are joining the excitement and fun of gambling on their computers.

Playing online casino games is the best way to get full entertainment and earn money as well. Before one can enjoy a winning day at the online casino, it is important to brush up both the rules of the Internet casino and the strategies of the particular casino game. Usually, players do not bother to brush-up their traditional as well as modern casino skills. It is quite important to learn the rules & regulations of the game before losing the fruits of hard labor.

Online casino gambling is the finest way to learn how to play blackjack, poker, roulette or any other casino game successfully. For gaining the victory, one needs to develop his or her own winning strategy so that there will be a calculated risk for your money. Casino gambling is a fun and interesting experience for all, not a danger to the wallet and financial status of a person. However, in hopes of winning the big money can drive people to put more into the gaming activity.

In gambling, it is better to know when to play and more importantly, when to go away. The longer a player stays at a table, whether it is a traditional casino or online, the possibility is that the house will ultimately prevail.

In fact, the biggest reason that many online gamblers fail to win is their inability to understand the actual rules & regulations and their own greed. Many gamblers set unreasonable goals for themselves how much money they want to win. Therefore, it is better to understand the intricacies of the game perfectly. You can practice through playing free online casino gambling to get the real worth.

One of the best things about bingo online is that gamers can win big cash jackpots while playing their favorite game

Bingo online has gained tremendous popularity over the last few years. A game that used to be played in large halls has now moved to the net. The number of sites offering various bingo online games has considerably increased.

When playing online bingo, usually once a game is chosen, gamers are offered a variety of cards to choose from. When the players find the card they want, they simply click on it and click "buy." They can also see a countdown to the start of the game as they read about rules, patterns, and ways to win. One of the reasons why Internet bingo is convenient to play is because of its auto play aspect. When players start a game, the auto-daub or auto play feature is automatically turned on. This means that as and when the numbers are called, the players' cards are automatically updated for them.

One of the best things about bingo online is that gamers can win big cash jackpots while playing their favorite game. Bingo online games are home to many cash jackpots. The prizes in Bingo online are decided based on the number of people who buy cards. The great thing about bingo is that in most of the games, the more players there are, the bigger the jackpots. Therefore, every time one person is added to the list of online gamers, the pots increase and the jackpots get bigger. In case of two winners, the prize is split. Many of these Bingo online websites have at least one jackpot game every day of the week. There are also jackpots that build over time and it is won if a player wins a game in a specific period.

A number of sites offer premium jackpot bingo games for cash as well as free bingo online games. In cases where bingo online gamers win a large sum of money, the amount is not deposited into their account at one time. It is deposited over a certain period in a structured form.

Online Poker Rooms

Poker has now started dominating the online gaming industry, offering round-the-clock poker tournaments. All that is required for online poker is a computer with Internet connection. An online poker room is actually a company that allows players to use its software to participate in the poker game. Online poker rooms generally make profit by incurring a percent of money from most of the played pot, known as rake. In real, rakes range between 5 and 20%. But, online poker rooms charge only 5% as rake, since the overhead expenses are low.

Before selecting an online poker rooms, it is vital to check whether its connections are protected by a reliable Internet security firm. Another requirement for online poker room is a license from a trusted gaming commission. The next is to check whether the poker room offers unique features like multi-table features, personalization features, and operating system compatibility. Player traffic also plays an important role in online poker rooms. The larger the traffic, the more games you can participate in and the more players you may win or lose against.

In addition, the level of bonuses and promotions of online poker rooms must be checked for. But, beware of scams involved in it. For instance, some online poker rooms advertise to offer huge bonuses. Sometimes, it may not be a scam. However, it is always advisable to play in respectable poker rooms, offering reasonable bonuses. Other important factors to be considered for selecting an online poker room are financial stability, accessible customer service, and ease of competitions. Player reviews are regarded as one of the best sources to compare various online poker rooms and choose an appropriate online poker room.

The differences between offline and online slots

Speaking about the differences between offline and online slots one important thing to remember is that the excitement is present in both. The difference between the two is not huge. The principle of playing the game is all the same. A result comes out of the reels and if it is a winning amount, the payout is made.

The practicalities of playing online slots game and a live slot game can be different. At live slot casinos, you have access to a variety of machines with various types of games for the players. However, in case of online slots, this chance is limited. However, the convenience associated with it draws a huge traffic to online slot gaming sites.

One of the biggest advantages of online slot is that you are not required to waste your time waiting for the attendant to give you the winning amount. Also, there is no question of resetting the machine and marking down the score in the tournament. The technology differs for online slot whereby you don't have to come across a clogged machine.

Everything is automatic in online slot games and is also much faster as compared to offline slot. There are some special features too with online slot games. If you are having an account with credit in it, you will be able to play auto-spin. This allows you to spin constantly even when you are not present there. This is an added advantage.

The special features associated with online slot have added to the popularity of the game. Online slot is especially good for the novice players who have just made it to the online slot room. With online slot, the players are not required to have huge money. It allows one to play at anytime of the day as against any denomination.

Just with an internet access, a player can get started with the game. There are however many people who find it more exciting to go to a live slot parlor. They feel that the large number of people cheering up is far better than getting stuck into the room and missing that kind of excitement.

The winning amount between offline and online slots casinos can vary. As the overheads are few, most of the players find that the online slots possesses a far better payout rate as compared to most of the slot casinos played offline. It totally depends on the player, which one is better-playing online or offline.

Basics Of Online Slot Machine Game For Beginners

Have you ever thought of a process through which the game of slot machine can be played? In this article, we will try to highlight the basics of the online slot machine game to give you a brief idea about the mystery behind the gaming world. After reading this, you can be more careful about your moves and try your luck accordingly. So, if you are thinking that why it is so hard to click online slot machine, here is the explanation.

Usually, in a slot game, a random number generator micro computer works continuously and throwing out numbers irrespective of the usage of machine. So, even when the machine is not working, the slot machine will be throwing out numbers. These random numbers are programmed to correspond to the position of the reels on the machine. So, when you pull the handle or press the button you are not starting a machine as you might be thinking of. It means that you are letting the machine know it has to display the numbers. So, it is a pure luck game works here. If your numbers hits, you can be a sure winner, if not than you may be likely to lose your bet.

So, if you want to try your hands in game, try online slot machine game that will be an equal fun activity for you. It will help you to know the points of the game to better enjoy the slot machine games. After knowing the tricks to be used in slot machines, you could better enjoy the game and can learn the tricks to be used behind it as well. Playing free slot machine can be a great fun activity if you apply your brain while placing your bids.

The online casino review that supplies consists of information regarding the best online casinos

When you go to Las Vegas, you will be able to find a handful of casinos. All of these casinos offer a wonderful selection of fun and entertaining games. But with the advancement of technology, this type of entertainment is taken to another level. While there are hundreds of video games over the Internet, you will also be able to gamble online. This is possible through gaming softwares which allows avid casino players to take their games to the virtual level. When you are informed enough regarding which online casino provides the best gambling experience, you will be able to take advantage of amazing video effects. So, you need online casino review.

If you want to read online casino review on the latest top online casinos, you can do this over a website which posts reviews on top performing casinos. There are a lot of advantages which you can obtain from the information that this site provides. One of these is the opportunity to know more about the key aspects of an online casino which you are interested on playing at. This is a chance which you should never pass up in order for you to get the best out of your money. Before you decide to gamble at a certain casino, it is your responsibility to know whether your choice offers a wide range of casino games and bonuses. There are other things which you have to be aware of and you can only get these when you read the reviews of Online Casinos Directory.

The online casino review that supplies consists of information regarding the best online casinos. An online casino will only be able to get on the list of top casinos when it meets the criteria of the site. One of the criteria is the software application which is being utilized. This is essential for all casinos operating over the web. When the software that runs the whole operation is not state-of-the-art, you won't be able to enjoy much of the game.

The nationality of the individuals who like to gamble online is varied. This is why a top online casino has convenient banking alternatives. A casino should be able to provide its clients with banking methods which cater to their geological needs. These methods should also cater to players who can't utilize basic banking organizations. When a casino has a great extent of authentic casino games, it will surely get a spot on the review.

The customer service of an online casino is also essential to make it one of the best. As with other types of businesses, the service that casinos provide determines whether it should be on the top or not. Through the polite customer assistance of a certain casino, you will be able to get rid of any convenience.

You are eligible for an online easy poker bonus

When you sign up at an online poker site chances are you are eligible for an online easy poker bonus. Almost every site offers an initial deposit bonus of some sort. The type of online poker bonus you’re eligible for depends on the site. Each poker site has its own specific online poker bonus. With a little research you can see which bonus is the most beneficial to you.

Always read the fine print and details about the bonus. If you have any questions email the support staff. There are usually certain requirements before you can receive the easy poker bonus. At most poker sites, you must generate a minimum amount of rake or play a minimum amount of hands.

Some poker sites deliver the bonus in increment while others deliver the full amount once the requirements are fulfilled. Most sites are pretty fair with their poker bonus policies, but some are not. Please be very careful that you read the requirements before deciding to play at any poker site.

Playing for online easy poker bonus can be very lucrative. I usually recommend depositing the maximum amount. For example, if the bonus is 100% up to $200. I will deposit $200. I will then play the required amount of hands and usually end up with at least double my deposit. In fact, there are very few times that I didn’t at least break even.

After you have fulfilled the requirements and have cashed out, it’s best to simply deposit at another site and repeat the process. Online poker players who play strictly play for bonuses are generally called “bonus whores”. It’s a great way to experience many different sites. I suggest taking notes and documenting your winnings so that you can always come back to play at your favorite poker sites that you won the most money at when they offer a reload bonus.

A lot of gambling sites are available in the Internet

Gambling using the Internet is often referred to as online gambling. A lot of gambling sites are available in the Internet such as online poker rooms, online casinos, online bingo, online sports betting sites, etc. and some websites offer mobile gambling also. Gambling online is becoming more popular that many online sites offer their customers more than just the usual perks of gambling games. To attract new customers and to retain regular gamblers, many online gambling websites are adding an element of fun to their games along with special bonuses and loyalty schemes. A big bonus of any online gambling site is that they offer their customers a chance to practice the games for free. In the West, online gambling sites are proving to be a critical component of many people.

Internet is not only filled with online gambling sites, but there are also sites that provide information on Internet gambling. These sites offer news, resources, information, reviews, and links to sites where gamblers can gamble. Many online gambling sites also offer 24-hour a day customer service over e-mail, phone, and fax. Believe it or not, researches show that there are thousands of websites that offer online gambling games and the numbers are boosting day by day. Many of the online gambling sites have their bases in Europe and several nations in and around the Caribbean Sea because of the ambiguity regarding the legal status of online gambling sites. Many local state governments are against online gambling of any kind because it seems to provide no benefit to the community as a whole.

Gambling online may be an amusing way of spending your leisure time, but a certain amount of caution should always be taken before deciding to play gambling games. One of the major dangers of online gambling is that it would be difficult to prevent nippers and inebriated persons from playing in these online gambling sites. Gambling can devastate many lives, their relationships with families and work places, especially if the player disrespects limits. Of significance to note is that there are websites that educate players on the hazards of online gambling also.

The online poker game is a very tactical and luck-oriented game

Online Poker Games are available for those who dislike visiting or are unable to visit a casino to play a physical poker game. Online games are played over the Internet, which has, in turn, provided a way for poker players around the world to enjoy the game.

The online poker game is a very tactical and luck-oriented game. In an online poker game, players do not sit right across the table and can’t observe others’ body language and reactions. In order to be successful in online poker games, players have to learn to focus more intensely on betting patterns and other behavior that are not physical in nature.

There are numerous poker rooms, and so it is often difficult to choose a place for playing the game. Party Poker is the most popular online poker room, with around 70,000 players online at any one time. The next is Paradise Poker, which consists of a more assorted range of poker tournaments as well as good ring-game action and a large array of poker games. Pacific Poker also attracts a fare share of online poker players. Security measures in online poker game are tight, with most offering 128 bit encryption security, although the more-established poker rooms are the safest. A novice online poker player should stay at the lower limits until he builds up his experience, or the more experienced players might take all his money.

Online poker games offer a virtual way of enjoying the poker game through the Internet. Though a bit difficult, this game can be mastered in due course.

Online Poker Games are available for those who dislike visiting or are unable to visit a casino to play a physical poker game. Online games are played over the Internet, which has, in turn, provided a way for poker players around the world to enjoy the game.

The online poker game is a very tactical and luck-oriented game. In an online poker game, players do not sit right across the table and can’t observe others’ body language and reactions. In order to be successful in online poker games, players have to learn to focus more intensely on betting patterns and other behavior that are not physical in nature.

There are numerous poker rooms, and so it is often difficult to choose a place for playing the game. Party Poker is the most popular online poker room, with around 70,000 players online at any one time. The next is Paradise Poker, which consists of a more assorted range of poker tournaments as well as good ring-game action and a large array of poker games. Pacific Poker also attracts a fare share of online poker players. Security measures in online poker game are tight, with most offering 128 bit encryption security, although the more-established poker rooms are the safest. A novice online poker player should stay at the lower limits until he builds up his experience, or the more experienced players might take all his money.

Online poker games offer a virtual way of enjoying the poker game through the Internet. Though a bit difficult, this game can be mastered in due course.

Choosing the Best Online Casinos for Your Gambling Needs

In today’s world of online casino gambling, online casinos & online poker rooms it’s a difficult and sometimes daunting task choosing the Best Online Casinos for your gambling needs. One must look at a variety of things when deciding on the online casino of their choice.

Unlike in Las Vegas, where although you have some 50 land based casinos on a strip of about 1 mile, on the internet, one has thousands of online casinos to choose from within a matter of minutes. Each casino offers a variety of games, promotions, graphics, software and gaming experience to try and entice you to make a deposit and start playing for gold.

When looking at first class online casinos we suggest assessing the following variables in order to make the most educated and informative decision before playing that favorite online casino of choice.

Reputation within the online casino industry is critical when selecting those first class online casinos. Those same casinos which win awards year after year and have the reputation within the gambling community as being one of the best will definitely be classed within this category. The sound, graphic and software itself is another great sign of those first class online casinos. Once again, software giants like Microgaming & Cryptologic employ the top developers and tend to offer the most amazing sound, graphics and software capabilities for their online casinos.

The promotions each casino offers is often the best reflection of the quality online casinos and those same casinos which truly are in a class of their own. With the online gambling industry being as competitive as ever, the Best Online Casinos will always offer top notch promotions to entice you into playing.

Finally, things like game variety, payment options and the casinos loyalty program are once again paramount in deciding which of the thousands of online casinos truly are the best and offer first class experiences for their customers.

Types of Insurance

Term insurance is the most basic, and generally least expensive, form of life insurance for people under age 50. A term policy is written for a specific period of time, typically 1 to 10 years, and may be renewable at the end of each term. Also, the premiums increase at the end of each term and can become prohibitively expensive for older individuals. A level term policy locks in the annual premium for periods of up to 30 years.

Declining Balance Term insurance, a variation on this theme, is often used as mortgage insurance since it can be written to match the amortization of your mortgage principal. While the premium stays constant over the term, the face value steadily declines. Once the mortgage is paid off, the insurance is no longer needed and the policy expires. Unlike many other policies, term insurance has no cash value. In this sense, it is "pure" insurance without any investment options. Benefits are paid only if you die during the policy's term. After the term ends, your coverage expires unless you choose to renew the policy. When buying term insurance, you might look for a policy that is renewable up to age 70 and convertible to permanent insurance without a medical exam.

Whole Life combines permanent protection with a savings component. As long as you continue to pay the premiums, you are able to lock in coverage at a level premium rate. Part of that premium accrues as cash value. As the policy gains value, you may be able to borrow up to 90% of your policy's cash value tax-free.

Universal Life is similar to whole life with the added benefit of potentially higher earnings on the savings component. Universal life policies are also highly flexible in regard to premiums and face value. Premiums can be increased, decreased or deferred, and cash values can be withdrawn. You may also have the option to change face values. Universal life policies typically offer a guaranteed return on cash value, usually at least 4%. You'll receive an annual statement that details cash value, total protection, earnings, and fees.

Drawbacks to this type of insurance include higher fees and interest rate sensitivity. Universal policies include up-front fees as well as ongoing administrative fees totaling as high as 5% to 7% of your premiums. You may also find your premiums increasing when interest rates decline.

Variable Life generally offers fixed premiums and control over your policy's cash value. Your cash value is invested in your choice of stock, bond, or money market funding options. Cash values and death benefits can rise and fall based on the performance of your investment choices. Although death benefits usually have a floor, there is no guarantee on cash values. Fees for these policies may be higher than for universal life, and investment options can be volatile. On the plus side, capital gains and other investment earnings accrue tax deferred as long as the funds remain invested in the insurance contract.

Universal Variable Life insurance is the most aggressive type of policy. Like variable life, you control your investment in mutual funds. However, there are no guarantees on universal variable policies beyond the original face value death benefit. These policies are probably best suited to affluent buyers who can afford the risks involved.

Key Terms and Definitions

  • Face Value -- The original death benefit amount.
  • Convertibility -- Option to convert from one type of policy (term) to another (whole life), usually without a physical examination.
  • Cash Value -- The savings portion of a policy that can be borrowed against or cashed in.
  • Premiums -- Monthly, quarterly, or yearly payments required to maintain coverage.
  • Beneficiary -- The individual(s) or entity (e.g., trust) that is designated as benefit recipient.
  • Paid Up -- A policy requiring no further premium payments due to prepayment or earnings.


Stop the Clash of Civilizations

Refresing dulu nih cz gk ada postingan

apa yang beda di antara kita, ternyata sama saja kan

Silakan berkomentar ria yah........

Chlid palestine jadi korban

tidak ada tawa yang bisa lepas dengan gembiranya
tak ada belajar dengan tenang
tak ada tidur yang nyenyak
tidak ada bermain dengan teman sekawan

sejak jalur gaza dibombardir oleh israel, tidak ada kehidupan damai dinegeri palestine. sebenarnya apa yah di balik perang israel dengan palestina??

ada yang mau jawab??

gaza oh gaza, palestine oh palestine.. doh rasanya pengen banget tuch ngejitak satu - satu orang israel, kadang aku sering beradai-andai coba kalo aku punya jin aladin atau saya jadi jin aladin berbubah jadi raksasa trus ngijek para tentara israel terutama tuch presidennya yang gk pantes jadi pemimpin....kok tentara itu mau ya perang sampe rela nyawanya ilang, sedangkan presidennya enak di ruangan ber ac.... nah loh dah jadi kebawa emosi gara si zionis yang gk tw malu dah jelas - jelas tuch orang gk tw diri dah dikasih tumpang hidup ehhhhhh malah main rebut tanah orang huhuhu gk tw berterima kasih....

Perang di israel - palestin dah banyak memakan korban yang paling saya gk suka si kecil kebawa - bawa duch.

child palestin jadi korban dari ulah si zionis yang gk tw diri nih, huhuh yang lagi imut - imutnya nangis cz ortunya pergi buat selama - lamanya, lagi belajar enak malah di todong, tuch orang apa yang gk punya anak ma istri yah

" Bu, kamu dimana?" wahhhhhhh kok saya ikut nangis yah doh adek cup..cup..cup

nah ini tentara bodoh banget yah itu ada anak kecil dia dah nangis gtu, masih aja senjatanya di todongin, dasar manusia tak berhati nurani

bagaimana mo balajar dengan tenang jika di perlalukan seperti ini, dik kamu yang ada di indonesia banyak - banyak bersyukur karena kalian punya tempat belajar yang layak dan nyaman

duch adek ku sayang sungguh malang nasib mu dik, tapi kakak bangga dengan mu, lebih baik hilangnya nyawa dibandingkan hilang iman dan bangsa.

nah, kalo kayak gini sapa yang tanggung jawab?? jawabannya : ya kita yang bertanggung jawab atas mereka, yah kan???............

hanya sebuah doa yang mampu kami hantarkan pada kalian mujahid
hanya sebuah doa yang mampu kami berikan
doa kami yang tak terputus dalam sujud kami

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catatan kecil di awal tahun

Up date-tan telat nih, tapi bersamaan dengan up date page rank yang blog ku yang cute (kataku loh) ini naik tingkat dari 2 ke 3 alhamdulillah semoga aja yah, gk boongan yah heheeheh, sebelumnya fat mo ngucapain

happy new year 2009

hayo semuanya pasti dah berlomba - lomba mencari yang terbaik di tahun nih....

aku ikut turut berduka cinta untuk saudara ku yang di palestina

dear :

indahnya dunia
hanya terasa bagi yang merasa
namun bagi kami disini
hanya impian semata
derai air mata
tak lagi berguna
kami pasrah dengan yang kuasa
tapi pembelaan kami
akan tetap terlaksana
demi Aqso dan islam tetap berjaya
meski nyawa yang dipertaruhkan


By :


Doa ku di tahun ini
  1. Semoga Umi lekas sembuh, Love U Umi muachhh
  2. Kuliah, insya allah gk ada halangan lagi
  3. Punya kakak IPAR
  4. Semoga saudara ku yang di palestina tetap tabah, dan semoga ada hidayah buat israel
  5. Semoga negeriku zamrud khatulistiwa, bisa lebih baik lagi..korupsinya cepet dibantai, pejabatnya yang korup sadar diri (klo gk sadar siram pake air seember), pemerintahannya lebih tegas lagi, UU nya lebih ditegaskan lagi, jangan diperbudak ma uang...cz pemerintahan Indonesia sekarang uunya bisa ditukar ma uang, jadi gk bisa ngebedain mana yang salah mana yang benar
  6. Apa lagi yah, semoga kebahagiaan berpihak padaku
  7. Semakin dewasa, bijak, tetep ramah, baik, manis (muji sendiri :D)

cukup segitu dulu, nah doa kalian apa nih di tahun ini ???


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